
Guidance and Resources

Event Planner Safety Assessment small events 

Event Planner Safety Assessment

Making Safe Choices
Here are some strategies to help you make safe choices to keep yourself and your family safe and healthy.

Individuals and Families

If you are vaccinated:

If you are not vaccinated:

  • Know before you go. Know what requirements are in place for travel and at your final destination. Visit the CDC website for the most up-to-date travel guidance.

People at Higher Risk
  • People with a weakened immune system should talk to their doctor. They may need to continue to take precautions even if vaccinated.
  • Unvaccinated people at higher risk for severe illness should continue to stay home as much as possible and take all available precautions when going out.
    • People at higher risk include:
      • People 60 and older
      • People with underlying health conditions including obesity, heart disease, lung disease, or diabetes
      • People who have weakened immune systems
      • People who are pregnant

Additional Guidance and Resources