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Rock County and Wisconsin Case Information (updated every weekday) :

This data is taken from the WI Department of Health Services and will be updated daily. The numbers we report daily come from the number of test results reported within a 24 hour period, however, multiple tests per person are not included. They are not reflective of the number of people that were tested on any given day. Depending on the laboratory and its current workload, the time it takes for results to be reported can vary. Some patients are classified as being "Probable Cases" of COVID-19 by their doctor but they were not tested. These cases are listed separately and not counted in the total case numbers. A person is considered recovered if it has been at least 30 days since they tested positive for COVID-19 (based on the date the person was tested), or they have reported no symptoms for at least 72 hours to a public health nurse, or they have documentation of release from public health isolation. Deaths must be reported by health care providers, medical examiners/coroners, and recorded by local health departments to be counted.


Rock County COVID-19 Vaccine Dashboard (updated every weekday) :

This dashboard shows the progress of the vaccination efforts in Rock County and provides insight into the demographic distribution of the vaccine. The dashboard now also includes data on vaccine safety and effectiveness among Rock County residents.


Safety of COVID-19 Vaccines

Guide to Interpreting VAERS Data

Data from VAERS


VAERS reports alone cannot be used to determine if a vaccine caused or contributed to an adverse event or illness. VAERS data helps alert the CDC to potential safety problems with a vaccine. Providers are encouraged to report any event that takes place after a person receives a vaccine — even if the vaccine is not thought to be a factor. The public information only contains reported data and not any corrections or analysis so it could contain information that is incorrect or coincidental.

Rock County COVID-19 Vaccine Map (updated periodically) :

This map shows Rock County vaccination rates by Census Tract Boundaries. The map also displays other information including the COVID-19 burden and social vulnerability of each of the Census Tract regions. Additional information will be added on an ongoing basis and the vaccination data will be updated weekly. 


Rock County Reopening Dashboard (updated every two weeks) :

Due to significant improvements in our COVID-19 data, we have discontinued our Rock County Reopening Plan effective Tuesday, June 8, 2021. However, we will continue to update the Reopening Dashboard and metrics, keeping a close watch on changing statistics and trends.


Rock County Municipalities COVID-19 Data (updated weekly) :

This is a breakdown of the Rock County data by municipality. 


Map Displaying COVID Counts by School District Boundaries  (updated weekly):

This map is designed to give school decision-makers a better idea of the COVID-19 activity within their school district boundaries. 


Rock County COVID-19 Data Dashboard for Schools (updated weekly) :

This data dashboard is intended to provide information for Rock County school district officials to help them make decisions about reopening public schools and/or transitioning from in-person to virtual learning models. This data is intended to provide a county-wide snapshot of the trends in COVID-19.


Rock County COVID-19 Cases by Zip Code :

As of 9/10/2020, this map will no longer be available. Comparable data can be found on the Map Displaying COVID Counts and CDC's Social Vulnerability by Census Tract or the Rock County COVID-19 Data Dashboard for Schools.


Rock County COVID-19 Disparities Report (updated monthly) : 

See charts that show the ethnic and racial disparities associated with COVID-19 infections.


Map Displaying COVID Counts and CDC’s Social Vulnerability by Census Tract (updated weekly) :

Many factors, including poverty, lack of access to transportation, and crowded housing may weaken a community’s ability to prevent human suffering and financial loss in a disaster. These factors are known as social vulnerability. This information is intended to identify neighborhoods that may suffer more during the COVID-19 pandemic. This map shows the approximate number of people in each census tract that have tested positive for the virus that causes COVID-19 and what the social vulnerability is for that area.


Rock County Infection and Hospitalization Projections (updated monthly) :

A projection is an attempt to describe what would happen, given certain scenarios. A projection should not be confused with forecasting which is the attempt to predict what will happen. This projection aims to provide a picture of what would happen with the course of Sars-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) if the prevention recommendations were or were not followed. We do this to help the community understand the possible consequences of certain actions and help partners plan for what might occur. Projections are not designed to be an accurate forecast of what might happen, but rather a "ball-park" estimate. Many factors can affect the actual outcomes that are not accounted for by these projections.
