Victim-Witness Program
Andrea Ehret, Victim/Witness Coordinator
51 South Main Street, Floor 4R, Janesville, WI 53545
Phone 608-757-5569 · Fax 608-757-5725
Monday – Friday · 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
The Victim/Witness Assistance Program is an integral part of the Rock County District Attorney's Office. Our mission is to provide moral support, information about the criminal court process and referrals and services to victims of crime, witnesses of crime, and their families. We recognize that being a victim or witness of a crime is a difficult and often traumatic experience. The Victim/Witness Assistance Program was established to assist victims, witnesses and family members of homicide victims in understanding how the criminal court process works. Victims of crime have certain rights. We will try to make your experience within the criminal justice system as comfortable as possible while understanding the tremendous impact that any crime has on the personal life of the victim, witnesses and family members. For assistance, please feel free to contact us. We are here to assist you.
Who is eligible for victim/witness services?
Any person who is a victim of a crime, a witness to a crime or family members of a homicide victim.
How do I request victim witness services?
You may request victim/witness services by calling our office at 757-5569. Our office hours are from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday.
What are the costs for victim/witness services?
Our services are provided free of charge.
As a victim of a crime, how can i find out about my case?
You may contact the Victim/Witness Office and request information about the day and time of the upcoming court hearing in your case. You may also check with the Wisconsin Circuit Courts Access.
If you requested to be notified of the final outcome of your case, the Victim/Witness Office will send you a letter informing you of the final outcome of your case.
How do I get my property returned if it has been recovered by the police?
What if the defendant's investigator or attorney wants to talk to me?
PLEASE NOTE: The Victim/Witness Assistance Program of Rock County cannot give cash, legal advice, or replace stolen property. However, referral for that kind of help is provided.
The Rock County Victim/Witness Assistance Program provides the following services to victims and witnesses:
- Support for victims of a crime from the time the crime is reported to the police to the final disposition
- Education for victims of crime about the criminal court process and procedures
- Information about the progress of your case throughout the criminal court process
- Information concerning dates, times and location of court proceedings
- Notification to victims in the event a subpoena is issued for your appearance in court
- Cancellation of witnesses, when possible, in enough time to avoid an unnecessary trip to court
- Provide support for victims and witnesses of a crime during court proceedings. We will accompany you to court hearings and provide information concerning the case as it becomes available.
- Assistance with the return of your personal property if it has been held in evidence
- Referrals to available community services, as necessary
- Assistance in submitting a restitution request for consideration at sentencing
- Assistance in preparing and submitting to the judge a victim impact statement which describes the effects the crime had on you and your family
- Advocating on behalf of victims within the criminal justice system
- Assistance in obtaining mileage and witness fees after testifying in court
- Assistance in filing a Crime Victim Compensation claim
- Preparing victims and witnesses to testify in court and showing them the courtroom
- Acting as a liaison between victims of crime and the District Attorney's Office in an effort to ensure the needs of both parties are met
- Information concerning the process of being notified of parole hearings and the release of the defendant from prison
- Children who are victims also have the right to have all information and legal proceedings explained to them in language they understand.
Rights of Crime Victims
WI DOJ Crime Victim Compensation Program
Crime Victim Rights in Wisconsin
Wisconsin law provides crime victims, family members of a homicide victims, with the following rights:
- To receive information from the investigating law enforcement agency about your rights as a crime victim.
- To be notified of the criminal charges issued by the District Attorney’s Office and the procedure for prosecuting those charges.
- To attend court proceedings, subject to any sequestration order. The court may require victims to exercise this right by telephone or other available means, if the victim is incarcerated, under arrest, or committed to a treatment facility, and the victim does not have a representative.
- To be accompanied, upon request, to court proceedings by a service representative.
- To a speedy disposition of the case in order to minimize the length of time a victim must endure the stress of their responsibilities in connection with the case.
- To have his/her interests considered when the court is deciding whether to grant a continuance of any hearing in the case.
- To be provided with appropriate intercession services to ensure that employers of victims will cooperate with the criminal justice process in order to minimize loss of income or benefits resulting from court appearances.
- To have his/her interests considered by the court in determining whether to exclude persons from a preliminary hearing.
- To be provided with a safe and secure waiting area while attending court proceedings.
- To request, in certain cases, an order for and to be given the results of testing to determine the presence of sexually transmitted disease or of any strain of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
- To have, at his or her request, the opportunity to consult with the district attorney concerning the case and possible outcomes of the prosecution, including potential plea agreements and sentencing recommendations. This right does not limit the obligation of the district attorney to exercise his or her discretion concerning the handling of any criminal charges against the defendant.
- To have, upon request, the opportunity at sentencing to make an oral statement or a written statement to be read in court, relevant to sentencing.
- To have the pre-sentence investigation writer, in cases in which a pre-sentence investigation is ordered, make a reasonable attempt to contact the victim.
- To request that the court order restitution, and to docket a civil judgment for unpaid restitution.
- To have, upon request, to receive information about the outcome of the case.
- To have any stolen or other personal property expeditiously returned by law enforcement agencies when no longer needed as evidence. If possible, all such property, except weapons, currency, contraband, property subject to evidentiary analysis and property the ownership of which is disputed, shall be returned to the owner within ten (10) days of being taken.
- To apply for financial assistance from the Wisconsin Department of Justice, Crime Victim Compensation Program, in certain cases. Assistance is available in violent crimes and does not cover property losses. To obtain more information about the Crime Victim Compensation, call 1-800-446-6564.
- To complain to the Department of Justice concerning the treatment of crime victims and to request review by the Crime Victims Rights Board of the complaint.
If you wish to exercise any of the above rights or have any questions, please contact the victim/witness office at (608) 757-5569.
Family members of homicide victims are entitled to the same rights and services offered to other crime victims.