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District Attorney

There are two ways for you to retain an attorney to represent you in a criminal action. However, that is based on eligibility. If it is determined that you are not eligible, you will need to hire your own attorney, if so desired.

  • You may go directly to the State Public Defender's Office located at 101 E. Milwaukee Street, Suite 301, Janesville, Wisconsin, or you can contact them by phone at 608-758-6170. They will discuss the steps you need to take to determine if you are eligible for public defender representation.
  • If you are not eligible for public defender representation, the public defender's office will give you a form called Petition for Appointment of Counsel. You need to file that form with the Clerk of Courts Office, and provide our office with a copy. The Judge will then appoint an attorney to represent you in court, if you qualify. To obtain specific information on the eligibility requirements, contact the Public Defenders Office at 608-758-6170.
If you believe a crime has occurred in Rock County, you need to contact the police agency where the crime has allegedly been committed. Our office cannot charge a person with a crime until we receive a referral from a police agency. Once the police agency has completed the investigation, they will refer the case to our office, if they believe a crime has been committed. The case will be logged in and assigned to one of our attorneys. That attorney will review the case and determine if there is enough evidence to charge that person with a crime. If you are the victim, you will be notified by our office when a charge is filed, or if we decide not to file criminal charges.

If you are charged with a crime, you have the right to be represented by an attorney. The Court will fully advise you or your rights at your initial appearance, so any communication with our office should wait until after the initial appearance.

If your court appearance was a mandatory appearance, a bench warrant may be ordered for your arrest.
  • If you have an attorney, you will need to contact your attorney in order to arrange to have the bench warrant recalled.
  • If you were required to appear before a judge and an attorney does not represent you, you will need to contact the judicial assistant at 608-743-2225 to have your case scheduled in order to have the bench warrant recalled.
  • If you were required to appear before a court commissioner and an attorney does not represent you, you may request our office to schedule an appearance in order to have the bench warrant recalled.
Keep in mind that in all instances, the bench warrant remains until it is actually recalled in court.

If you are a defendant and have hired an attorney, our office will not be able to speak with you because it would be a conflict of interest. We are only able to speak with your attorney regarding your case.

You will need to file an application for executive clemency with the Governor's Office. If you have questions or need assistance, you may telephone the Governor's Office at 608-266-1212 or write to: Office of the Governor, Pardon Advisory Board, 115 East State Street, Capitol Building, PO Box 7863, Madison, WI 53707.

WI Attorney General 608-266-1221
Consumer Protection Hotline 800-422-7128
Janesville Area Crime Stoppers 608-756-3636
Greater Beloit Area Crime Stoppers 608-362-7463
Landlord/Tenant 800-322-9755
Lawyer Referral 608-257-4666
Legal Referral & Information Services 800-362-9082
Non-Emergency 911 608-757-2244
Public Defender's Office 608-758-6170
Sex Offender Registry 608-240-5830

No, our files are not open to the public. If you are looking for information regarding a closed case, you may contact the Clerk of Courts Criminal Division or Traffic Division at 608-743-2200. If you want information on a pending criminal case please contact the Clerk of Courts Criminal Division at 608-743-2200.

The only person who may be allowed to look at our files is the attorney who is representing the defendant.

No, our office does not handle child support matters. Any child support questions should be directed either to your attorney or the Child Support office. That phone number is 608-757-5700.

Our office only becomes involved in child support matters when a criminal child support case has been referred to us.

No, our office does not handle civil matters. You will need to contact a private attorney for these matters.

All fines must be paid to the Rock County Clerk of Courts. You can contact the Clerk of Courts Office at 608-743-2200 to ask for an extension to pay for court fines.

If you would like to commence a small claims action against another party, you can obtain and file the paperwork with the Clerk of Courts Office. You may also contact the Clerk of Courts Small Claims division at 608-743-2200 for more information.

Parents may seek assistance from the Court and the Juvenile Probation Department, by contacting the Rock County Juvenile Probation Department.
Beloit:  822 Broad Street, Beloit, WI, 608-363-6250
Janesville:  37 South Main Street, Janesville, WI, 608-757-5600

Consumers can sign up on Wisconsin's No Call List through the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection. A consumer may sign up by visiting the Wisconsin No Call List website OR by calling 1-866-9NO-CALL (1-866-966-2255).

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