- Gina Koehl - Program Director
- David Riyeff - Counselor
- Cliff Stavn - Counselor
- Tressy Brown - Counselor
- Heather Lawson - Administrative Assistant
- Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
- Closed 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM daily
Participation Terms
Participation in Deferred Prosecution Program (DPP)
The following is an example of the terms an offender would have to agree to in order to participate in the program:
If defendant accepts responsibility for the crime and can make a commitment to no new violations, the defendant may be eligible for DPP.
An assessment fee of $10.00 is required to be paid to the Clerk of Courts before the initial 1 ½ - 2-hour interview. Additional requirements could add to the cost of completing DPP.
This $10.00 fee can be paid the day of the initial interview or anytime before. The Clerk of Courts office is located on the 2nd floor, after going through Security. Please bring the receipt of payment to this appointment.
If accepted into the program there will be an additional program fee, which will be arranged for payment at the interview.
- Defendant accepts responsibility for the crime they are accused of and makes a commitment to no future violations of the law.
- Deferred Prosecution Program (DPP) may be available to defendants charged for the first time, as an adult, with a misdemeanor, or less. DPP involves attending small group sessions. Upon completion of DPP, the case is either dismissed, or amended to a lesser charge, per the agreement with the District Attorney.
- There may be other requirements necessary to complete DPP. That would be determined at the initial intake interview. Examples of requirements that could become part of a DPP/DVIP contract, when appropriate include: Restitution, Alcohol & Drug Assessment (with treatment if recommended), Underage Drinking Classes, Anger Management Counseling, Individual Counseling, Parenting Classes, Corrective Thinking Program, Community Service, Completion of High School and others.
Urine Screen Services
Mercy Occupational Health Department
1010 N. Washington Janesville, WI 53545
5 Panel Urine Screen (5 different drugs) = $33.70
THC, Speed, Cocaine, Barbiturate, etc.
They also develop a plan for the client (referrals, etc) if there is a positive screen.
Beloit Area Community Health Center
74 Beloit Mall Beloit, WI
5 Panel Urine Screen (including test for Marijuana)
Fee: Sliding scale for people without health insurance. Minimum fee is approximately $31.00.