Surveyor Database Search

Survey Map, Road Right of Way, and Monumentation Database Searches

Costs: All legal size and smaller is $0.25 per copy. There is an additional charge of $0.50 for mailing of legal-size envelopes and $1.00 for larger size envelopes. Large size copies are produced on equipment in other departments and the cost varies. Cost is determined by that department, who also retains the money.

On December 2, 1982, the Planning & Development Committee adopted the U.S. Public Land Survey Monument Record form. This form is available upon request and is the only acceptable form. It is legal size and is on heavy weight paper stock.

The County Surveyors office contains other miscellaneous documents including, but not limited to, historic aerial photos, microfiche records, USGS maps & notes, remonumentation reports, ROW maps, etc. Please contact our office with your requests to arrange a time to view available records.