Ordinance Administration
The Development Review, Land Divisions & Enforcement Division assists individuals, businesses, professionals and governmental entities by uniformly administering and enforcing plans, policies, and ordinances to manage development in a sustainable, planned, efficient and environmentally sound manner.
The following County ordinances are administered and enforced by this division:
Access Control (Chapter 4.5 of the Code of Ordinances)
Address (Chapter 4.6 of the Code of Ordinances)
Airport Overlay Zoning (Chapter 4.3 of the Code of Ordinances)
Floodplain Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 4.4 of the Code of Ordinances)
Land Division and Development (Chapter 4.1 of the Code of Ordinances)
Shoreland Zoning & County Owned Property (Chapter 4.2 of the Code of Ordinances)
Note: In addition to County Ordinances, each Town in Rock County has local zoning ordinances. However, in most instances, the Town's information regarding zoning on a specific parcel of land is available by contacting this department. Additionally, some Town digital zoning maps are available for viewing on this site.
For Stormwater, Erosion Control and Non-metallic mining ordinances, visit the Land Conservation Website.
Model Ordinances
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