The Transportation Coordinating Committee develops and administers the Public Transit-Human Services Coordination Plan, advocates on behalf of transportation-disadvantaged populations, reviews and comments on federal and state human service transportation capital assistance applications, and reviews passenger transportation plans for Rock County. Membership consists of representation from the County Board, County Aging Unit, County Department of Human Services, public, proprietary, and non-profit transportation providers, County Mobility Manager, area planning organizations, elderly and disabled citizen advocates, and consumer and agency advocates. Members serve 3-year terms.

Members Term Expires
Supervisor Ron Bomkamp 12/31/2023
Kersten Hughes 12/31/2023
Joe Scharenbroch, Chair 12/31/2023
David Hyde 12/31/2023
Dawn Hudson 12/31/2023
James Thompson 12/31/2022
Patty Hansberry 12/31/2022
Roseann Tremain, Vice Chair 12/31/2022
Dave Lowe 12/31/2022
Jennifer McIlhone 12/31/2021
Ryan Schomber 12/31/2021
Thomas (TJ) Nee 12/31/2021

4th Friday of every other month (odd months)
9:00 AM

