Please feel free to call the office of Mediation & Family Court Services for Rock County with questions
about mediation that may be prompted by the information on this website at


We are open:
7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Monday - Friday
We close for lunch between
12 pm - 1 pm


casey age appropriate




Wisconsin Statute 767.41
This statute pertains to mediation

Wisconsin Court  – to learn more about the Wisconsin Courts as well as access to downloadable forms.

The Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC)
Several brochures available for a nominal fee: Click on the “Purchase Materials” link and then the AFCC Pamphlets link for a listing and description of the pamphlets available.

Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR)

A free, confidential, and interactive website for parents who do not live together is




Some websites that provide interactive tools for families to solve many scheduling and communication problems that arise from parenting in two separate homes include:


In addition to the links provided here, typing phrases such as: co-parenting, shared parenting, children of two homes, children’s books on divorce, or step families, into a search engine may provide access to many informative websites.


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