The EBDM Ad Hoc Committee began in 2015 through a partnership between the County, the State of Wisconsin and the National Institute of Corrections (NIC).  NIC built a system-wide Framework (arrest through final disposition and discharge) that, when implemented, results in more collaborative, evidence-based decision making and practices in local criminal justice systems. The purpose of this initiative is to equip criminal justice policymakers in local communities with the information, processes, and tools that will result in measurable reductions of pretrial misconduct and post-conviction reoffending. The initiative is grounded in two decades of research on the factors that contribute to criminal reoffending and the methods the justice system can employ to interrupt the cycle of re-offense. A policy team of key justice system decision makers and stakeholder groups oversees EBDM activities as part of local-level EBDM work.

Members Term Expires
Josh Smith Indefinite
Judge Michael Haakenson Indefinite
Reserve Judge R. Alan Bates Indefinite
Judge Karl Hanson Indefinite
Kate Luster Indefinite
Faun Moses Indefinite
David O'Leary Indefinite
Supervisor Rick Richard Indefinite
Chief David Moore Indefinite
Sheriff Troy Knudson Indefinite
Commander Erik Chellevold Indefinite
Troy Enger Indefinite
Stephen Meyer Indefinite
Pastor Sherrick Anderson Indefinite
Lori Curtis Luther Indefinite
Interim Chief Thomas Stigler Indefinite
Dorothy Harrell Indefinite
Jacki Gackstatter Indefinite
Joshua Grube Indefinite




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