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Groundwater Quality Initiative Workgroup    

Groundwater Quality Initiative
Workgroup Meeting
Tuesday March 7, 2017 @ 10:00 am
N-1 Conference Room
5th floor
Janesville WI

  1. Welcome and introductions.
  2. Define scope of Groundwater issue(s) – Rick Wieterson
  3. Discuss format (vision) for this project – Tom Sweeney
  4. Discussion - establishing Long Term and Short Term Goals for this Initiative: Group Discussion
  5. Elect a Chair and Vice Chair or Co-Chairs for Vision Group, terminating with the establishment of Advisory Committee, if so established.
  6. Elect a Recording Secretary for this workgroup, terminating with the establishment of Advisory Committee, if so established.
  7. Discussion - Institutional Structure of the initiative
  8. Discussion - development of an Advisory/AD HOC Committee.
  9. A)Members/Stakeholders
  10. Other Business.
  11. Next meeting date, time, and location
  12. Adjourn.

Note: It is possible, that at any of the above listed meetings, a quorum of another governmental body may be present.

However, no business of that second governmental body will be conducted.

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