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Drainage Board Annual Meeting    

Rock County Drainage Board Annual Meeting
Thursday, December 1, 2016 @ 6 PM
Rock County Fair Grounds - Craig Center

1) Call meeting to order
2) Roll Call
3) Approval of agenda
4) Introduce guest - Ben Brancel, Secretary of  Ag; Janis Ringhand, State Senator; Richard Castelnuovo; Wendy Peich, Pam Biersach; Norm Tadt; Mark Stienfest; Nick Baker; Colin Byrnes
5) Opening remarks - Ben Brancel - Janis Ringhand
6) Drainage District - History - Current activities - Vision
7) Guest speakers - comments
8) citizen participation (two minutes per topic)
9) Review maps
10) Adjourn

Location ROck County Fair Grounds - Craig Center

Note: It is possible, that at any of the above listed meetings, a quorum of another governmental body may be present.

However, no business of that second governmental body will be conducted.

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