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Rock County Drainage Board - CANCELED    



This Meeting has been CANCELED






Rock County Drainage Board Meeting


5:30pm regular meeting

Rock County Court House

2nd floor Room 250



Call meeting to order

Induct new board member

1.) Approve March minutes

2.) Approve bills

3.)Review estimates for vegetation plan

4.) Review potential projects

5.) Review obstruction removal process

6.)Old business

7.) Citizen participation

8.) Review ideas for annual meeting

9.) Executive Session Per Section 19.85 (1) (g)Wis. Stats. - Confer with Legal Counsel Pending litigation


Dennis M Beggs

Chairman, Rock County Drainage Board

Note: It is possible, that at any of the above listed meetings, a quorum of another governmental body may be present.

However, no business of that second governmental body will be conducted.

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